Ready to remember yourself again?

The Womb Room - is a Sanctuary for Mothers. 

Joanne, is an Intuitive Womb Therapist, as a Mother-of-two she understands the physical and mental toll of daily parenting. Her ‘Womb Reconnection Experiences’ are perfect for Mother’s.

Whether you’re processing a traumatic birth, grief, or feeling lost and trapped in day-to-day parenting Joanne will provide you with a safe space for a deep, transformative experience.

Bringing you clarity, lightness and a remembering of your authentic self.

She looks forward to welcoming you into The Womb Room, Sevenoaks, Kent. 

Kind Words


My Reconnection Womb Experience with Joanne was transformational. I'm a mama of 2 and I knew I was carrying trauma memory in my womb from my 1st birth. I felt a distinct emotional release at one point during the session, it was like a stored, suppressed memory was unlocked - my body finally felt safe enough to remember, feel the pain, and then release with love. I felt lighter and at peace immediately…(read more here)

Louisa. Mama-of-2, Tunbridge Wells.

A ‘Womb Reconnection Experience’ is a nurturing and transformative journey, specifically designed to hold a Mother.

Get ready to feel lighter, calmer and clearer on your purpose.

You’ll be Heard; Joanne provides a safe space for you to share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Being heard and understood is the first step towards healing and empowerment.

Peaceful Energy; Escape the clutter and daily chaos that comes with parenting and enjoy The Womb Room’s calm, slow energy. Allowing you space to connect with your inner wisdom and receive the support you need.

Joanne’s gentle hands-on touch will gently release subconscious fears and traumas stored within your body. Through massage and energetic techniques, she’ll focuses on areas like your back, shoulders, abdomen, and across the womb. Promoting healing and relaxation.

Feel reunited with your womb; Joanne will help you to establish a deeper connection with this sacred space within yourself, fostering a sense of wholeness and empowerment.

Finally, wrapped in Rebozos; traditional Mexican shawls - giving you a sense of protection and support, Joanne will take you on a meditative journey. During this meditation, she’ll allow you time to see your challenges and gain a deeper understanding of all that is happening for you.

Find answers within: Joanne believes that once reconnected to your heart and womb you’ll know the answers, leaving you feeling renewed and energised.

When’s best to come to The Womb Room? Joanne advises her clients to book in from day 3 or 4 of your bleed

If you have irregular cycles, or need a weekend please be in touch Joanne is willing to find the right time for you.

This unique experience gives you space to become YOU again.

A 2+hr ‘Womb Conception Experience’ is £240

Your Questions, answered.