Bringing The Womb Room to you.

From my heart, to your heart, I see you.

Embark on a transformative journey of feminine healing and intuitive guidance, from the comfort of your own home.

Whether you're on a conception journey, or seeking reconnection after childbirth, let me gently guide you back to the heart of your feminine essence and lead you deeper into the sacred space of your womb. It's from this profound place within that you’ll receive the wisdom and guidance you seek.

Each Session Tailored To Your Present Moment

There's no one-size-fits-all approach with Joanne.

Through intuitive mindset coaching, clairvoyance, and connection with spirit babies, I personalise guidance and support to help you navigate your journey with clarity and grace.

What to expect.

A unique blend of modalities, including distance energy healing, guided meditations, empowering mantras, and if guided, womb healing techniques, each session is designed to uplift your spirit, soothe your soul, and reconnect you with a deep sense of self-love and empowerment.


Feel lighter, calmer, and more centered in your being.

  • Experience a deeper sense of connection and love for yourself and your feminine journey.

  • Gain clarity, insight, and guidance to navigate life's transitions with grace and ease.Each modality will allow you to feel lighter, calmer and more connected to a sense of unconditional love for yourself. 

Remember, asking for help is a strength, be in touch


In these remote Intuitive Self-Healing Sessions you'll embark on a journey of profound self-discovery, healing, and empowerment.

Together, we'll tap into the infinite wisdom of your womb and the nurturing energy of the divine feminine to support you on your path to wholeness and well-being.

Kind Words


Thank you so much for our remote sessions. My trust in your complete care of my emotions came effortlessly upon our first meeting. Joanne, you allow for an unblocking and gentle guidance towards where healing is available. Working with Joanne isn’t something to be ashamed of. Having her as a trusting coach/partner allows for new aspects of oneself to be discovered and for a more direct experience to a decided goal. I hope you are able to help many people gain access to what their heart desires.

-Jenny, Canada

To read more kind words >>>

Read about my journey.