Your Love Touches My Soul: Forever Grateful for Our Connection 

The Womb Room’s Review

  • “This is not something I would have normally considered and I arrived nervous. Straight away Joanne made me feel at ease. Through discussion, she helped me open up and lead me on a path of enlightenment about my emotional barriers to conception. Past trauma and my disbelief of ever being able to be a mother, let alone imagining my future child became very apparent. When these painful topics came up she supported and explored these areas with me. It felt natural and hugely enlightening. Her high vibrational touch that followed helped clear the negative thoughts and energy, leaving me, for the first time, able to see myself and my husband holding a little boy (my future child). I reconnected with my body and finally believed I was deserving of a child.”

    — Grateful, Mummy to be, Kent

  • My session with Joanne was transformational. I'm a mama of 2 and I knew I was carrying trauma memory in my womb from my 1st birth. I felt a distinct emotional release at one point during the session, it was like a stored, suppressed memory was unlocked - my body finally felt safe enough to remember, feel the pain, and then release with love. I felt lighter and at peace immediately. Throughout the session, Joanne also held space for me to tap into what I really desire in my life, and then she helped me remember that this is all already within me. During a beautiful guided meditation I was able to see and feel vividly, the joy and calm within myself, and I know now that I can access that at any time. Joanne was so gentle & incredibly intuitive throughout. I felt like I floated away from the session, having released a heavy load that's been impacting every area of my life. Such a magical, impactful experience. Thank you, thank you! Xx

    — Louisa, mama-of-2.

  • Thank you so much for our session this morning. WOW! It was so powerful and It was the first time in 7 years I have totally switched off and focused on myself! I came away feeling lighter with a great sense of relief and inner calm. You really do have a magic touch!

    — Victoria, mother of 4

  • As soon as you step in through Joanne’s door you are greeted by such a warm hearted person who puts you at ease straight away. Her kind and caring nature emanates and you can’t help but bring her on your journey with you. The connection that develops with yourself allows you to unravel fear and begin to trust in yourself and gain strength from your spirit baby. She guides you through developing a connection with yourself to truly empower you. The massage is sensational. You can feel the energy through your body from realigning chakras. This was my second visit, and it keeps getting better every time; in this session deeper, overwhelming but reassuring connections were made. I would truly recommend seeing Joanne for finding a deeper connection with yourself.

    — Amy. Mummy-to-be

  • The moment I entered Joanne’s beautiful space I was surrounded by soft, feminine energy. This should not be confused with the strength of her work. There was a clarity and clearness in her words and her intuition which was humbling yet very powerful. Her techniques of sound, breathing, touch and then wrapping the body in blankets to feel fully supported was bliss. Words flowed freely as and when she picked up on areas that needed focus via images or messages as she worked with me. Every woman should experience this kind of work. To try to put into words the power of this investment in yourself almost takes away from the experience itself…so I shall leave it there lingering in the peace and stillness of that which we know to be true, our sacred space, the infinite power of creation that we hold should never, ever be underestimated.'

    — Welcoming in love, Anna, East Grinstead.

  • I recently said YES to booking myself in to see Joanne. She was welcoming and so friendly. I was able to sit and be completely open and discuss the journey I’ve been on. I felt a sense of calm and so relaxed in her home. I couldn’t recommend her enough, and look forward to seeing her again very soon.

    — Calm mummy-to-be. Maidstone, Kent.

  • Joanne set the most special, safe space for me to receive a womb healing. It began with a chat about why I was there, and included back and shoulder massage, as well as tummy/womb area. I felt so blissed out the whole time. But the biggest revelation for me was just how disconnected I'd become to my womb space, which is essentially the most magical area of my body - the portal where I created, grew, and birthed life. The spiritual and physical connection I felt to my womb after this session was truly incredible.

    — Reconnected Samantha, Mummy-of-two, Kent

  • I’d been intending to see Joanne for some time, a belated gift to myself after 3 children. I’m so pleased I did and sorry I waited so long. Joanne really is incredibly intuitive - almost spookily so. She was able to read me perfectly and gently, appropriately re-frame. She welcomed me warmly into her cocoon and I left feeling genuinely renewed & restored.

    —Restored Charlie, Sevenoaks, Kent.

  • I was blown away by Joanne’s work. I wasn’t really sure what to expect, but I was open to exploring what her ‘intuitive womb experience’ was all about. I can honestly say it was such an amazing, special and uplifting experience. Thank you so much Joanne. I really do feel a positive shift inside of me.

    - I’m so grateful I came to see you. Sarah, Kent

  • Wow! My session with Joanne was magical. Before working with Joanne I had some mind blocks towards conception and maternity. But during our session Joanne was absolutely amazing. She knew exactly what to say and when, so my fears started fading away. I couldn’t believe how long I was carrying all those fears inside me. Joanne’s energy work was an experience like no other. It was super relaxing and cleansing at the same time. I had a few revelations as a result of it, that helped me to clear my mind even more and open my heart.

    Magic…Magic…Magic! Natalia, Kent.

Online Intuitive Self-Healing Reviews

  • Thank you so much for our time together. My trust in your complete care of my emotions came effortlessly upon our first meeting. Joanne, you allow for an unblocking and gentle guidance towards where healing is available. Working with Joanne isn’t something to be ashamed of. Having her as a trusting coach/partner allows for new aspects of oneself to be discovered and for a more direct experience to a decided goal. I hope you are able to help many people gain access to what their heart desires.

    — Jenny. Canada.

  • Joanne has a wonderfully warm and gentle approach to healing sessions that made me instantly safe to open up. She has a fantastic way of teasing out information that really allows you to examine your inner depths.

    — Claire, Manchester

  • I was looking for someone who could help with the mindset side of fertility which led me to Joanne. Our sessions together have been amazing. She brings warmth, compassion, empathy and understanding and she has really helped me to channel away the negative feelings around infertility. After our sessions I feel empowered and energised. I’ve been putting her tips into practice and I feel like I have overcome a lot with her help. She is a beautiful human being. I cannot recommend her enough!

    — Katy, London

  • I came across Joanne at a time in my life when I was feeling quite hopeless and exhausted. I felt that I needed some help in making me feel more in control and I was immediately drawn to Joanne's lovely energy. I had a few sessions with Joanne and she is quite simply wonderful. She is so empathetic and intuitive and really helped me to believe in my own intuition and guidance at a time when I was feeling very lost. Joanne has a gentle energy which is very healing in itself and I would highly recommend a session with her. Now, I can't believe that I'm holding my baby boy, who I so clearly felt in my sessions with Joanne.

    — Cecilia, Brighton.

  • I decided to reach out to Joanne as I knew something needed to change. Over the years, I had built up barriers to protect myself and knew that I wasn’t addressing my true emotions. I immediately trusted Joanne and she helped me to relax and connect with deep rooted feelings. This helped me to move forward and open up to new possibilities. Now as I’m entering a new chapter in my life, I often think back to thoughts and visions that came up during our sessions and believe they showed me that better times were on the way.

    — Georgina, Surrey

  • Joanne has guided me through two deeply healing online sessions and also a wonderfully relaxing and restorative ‘reconnection to womb experience’. I found her to be a naturally warm and empathetic person who quickly tuned into the energetics of my personal challenges, helping to bring about a sense of resolution, with greater peace and ease. After every session - online & in person, I felt lighter and brighter and more ready to move forward with my fertility journey. Joanne brings together the physical, spiritual, mental and emotional realms to create a truly holistic experience that is quite unique.

    — Grateful Mummy-to-be

Embrace Womb Therapy, & rediscover yourself again.