Ready to Call in Your Baby?

Allow Joanne to be your guide.

Welcome Mummy-To-Be

The Womb Room in Sevenoaks, Kent offers a supportive environment for women, and couples navigating the journey of conception.

Whether you're facing unexplained infertility, coping with miscarriage or loss, feeling all consumed by your journey so far, or starting IVF, Joanne is here to help.

There are two ways to work with Joanne - an in-person Womb Conception Experience,

& remotely - Intuitive self-healing mindset coaching


Your 2hour ‘Womb Conception Experience’ is a nurturing and transformative journey designed specifically to you.

Get ready to feel relaxed, reinvigorated and positive about your path to Motherhood.

You’ll Be Heard; Joanne provides a safe space for you to share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Being heard and understood is the first step towards releasing the blocks to Motherhood.

Joanne’s gentle hands-on touch; will gently release subconscious fears and traumas stored within your body. Through massage and energetic techniques, she’ll focuses on areas like your back, shoulders, abdomen, and across the womb. Promoting healing and relaxation.

Be reunited with your womb; Joanne will help you to establish a deeper connection with this sacred space within yourself, fostering a sense of wholeness and empowerment.

Finally, wrapped in Rebozos; traditional Mexican shawls - giving you a sense of protection and support, Joanne will take you on a meditative journey. During this meditation, she’ll open your heart and invite your Spirit Baby (your baby-to-be) closer. Giving you time to acknowledge their presence and welcome their energy into your life.

When’s best to come to The Womb Room?
Joanne advises her clients to book in from day 3 or 4 of your bleed, up until ovulation.

(If you’re unsure, or have irregular cycles please be in touch Joanne is willing to find the right time for you.)

A 2+hr ‘Womb Conception Experience’ is £240

Kind Words


My Womb Conception Experience with Joanne was definitely out of my usual comfort zone. However, as I‘ve been trying for a baby and obsessing over it, I thought it was a good idea to try and take a step back and connect with myself a bit better. ​​Joanne recognised I’d been putting too much pressure on the baby to come and relieve me of some of my life stresses. I’d not wanted a baby for a few years, so she made me see I had to relax and let the baby come when it was ready, not just when I was. I then had the most amazing womb massage. It was an incredible experience both emotionally and physically.  The next month I became pregnant :)

- Megan, Kent

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The Womb Room